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Arabic Language challenges Machine Learning in 2020 (Updated 2023)


Arabic Dialects Give Ai Social Media Automated Translation a Hard Time

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, communication has become more essential than ever. However, language barriers remain a significant challenge to cross-cultural integration. With over 420 million speakers worldwide, Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and boasts various dialects that differ significantly from each other. This diversity poses a tremendous challenge for automated translation with AI technology. In this blog post, we'll explore why translating Arabic dialects with artificial intelligence is so difficult and how it can impact cross-cultural communications in today's globalized society.


Introduction to Arabic Dialects

The Arabic language is spoken by more than 260 million people in 22 countries, making it among the top most spoken languages in the world. 

There are around 30 different Arabic dialects, which can be grouped into three main families: Maghrebi Levantine and Gulf. Each dialect has its own unique features in terms of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

The difficulty of automated translation with AI arises from the fact that each Arabic dialect is quite distinct from one another. This means that current AI technology struggles to accurately translate between different dialects of Arabic. While some dialects are mutually intelligible, others can be quite different from one another. This can make it difficult for AI to accurately translate between all of the different dialects.

One possible solution to this problem is to develop separate AI models for each major dialect group. However, this would require a huge amount of data and computational power. Another solution is to develop a unified model that can learn to translate between all the different dialects.


Challenges of Automated Translation with AI

Another challenge of automated translation with AI is that Classical Arabic and colloquial Arabic are very different languages. For example, Classical Arabic has a much more formal structure than colloquial Arabic, and uses different vocabulary and grammar. This can make it difficult for AI to accurately translate between the two forms of the language.

Translation is science vs art, formula vs emotion, machine fed information vs culture, Ai powered curated words vs transcreation perspective and a lot more!

The challenges of automated translation with AI highlight the importance of human involvement in the translation process. While Ai-assisted translation software have been in use long before the rocketing rise of Ai websites and their global surge in 2022 especially with ChatGPT, humans are still better able to understand the nuances and subtleties of language. As such, human involvement is essential for ensuring accurate translations.


Arabic Dialects Impact on Machine Translation Results

When it comes to automated translation of Arabic dialects, significant challenges exist due to the vast number of dialects spoken across the Arab world. While Modern Standard Arabic is the language of media and education, each Arab country has its own unique dialect that is used in daily life. This can pose a problem for machine translation software that is not designed to account for the various Arabic dialects.

For example, when translating from Arabic to English, software may have difficulty understanding certain words or phrases that are specific to a particular dialect. This can lead to inaccurate translations that may not make sense to native English speakers. Additionally, automated translation software may not be able to properly identify the intended audience of a piece of text, resulting in translations that are too formal or too informal for the reader.

Overall, the challenges associated with automated translation of Arabic dialects highlight the importance of human involvement in the translation process. Machine translation software is getting better every day, but it still cannot match the accuracy and nuance of a human translator. When it comes to important documents or messages, it is always best to rely on professional human translators to ensure your meaning is accurately conveyed.


Different Approaches used by Machines to Tackle Arabic Dialects

When it comes to automated translation of Arabic dialects, there are different approaches that machines can take. Some methods focus on trying to understand the context of the text in order to provide a more accurate translation. Others use machine learning algorithms to try and learn from past translations in order to improve future ones.

Statistical machine translation is an approach that has been used with some success. This involves using statistical methods to generate translations based on a large corpus of texts. This can be effective, but it can also be difficult to get high quality results with this method.


Ultimately, there is no one perfect solution for automatically translating Arabic dialects. Different approaches will work better or worse depending on the specific text and the desired language.

Case Studies of AI-powered Translators and their Performance

There are many difficulties that arise when translating Arabic dialects with AI. One of the main problems is that there is a great deal of variation between Arabic dialects. This means that a translator needs to be very familiar with the specific dialect in order to produce an accurate translation.

Another difficulty is that Arabic has a complex grammar which can be difficult for AI to understand. This can lead to errors in translation.

Finally, the use of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms is common in Arabic dialects. This can again lead to errors in translation if the AI is not able to understand the meaning of these expressions.

Overall, it can be difficult to produce accurate translations of Arabic dialects using AI. This is due to the great variation between dialects, the complex grammar of Arabic, and the use of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms.


Future Trends in AI-powered Translators for the Arab World

There is no doubt that automated translation using AI technology is rapidly evolving and improving. However, the vast majority of these advancements have been focused on translating between major languages such as English, Spanish, Mandarin, etc. When it comes to translating between Arabic dialects, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed.

One of the biggest challenges is the fact that there are dozens of different Arabic dialects spoken across the Arab world. While some dialects are very similar to each other, others can be quite different. This makes it difficult for AI-powered translation systems to accurately translate between them.

Another challenge is the lack of data available for training AI-powered translator systems. This is because most online content in Arabic is written in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), which is not spoken by native Arabs. As a result, there is a lack of data available for training AI-powered translator systems to accurately translate between Arabic dialects and MSA.

Despite these challenges, there are several trends that suggest that automated translation between Arabic dialects will become more accurate and widespread in the future. One trend is the increasing availability of online content in Arabic dialects. This will provide more data for training AI-powered translator systems and help to improve their accuracy.

Another trend is the growing popularity of mobile applications that allow users to communicate with each other in their own native language, regardless of whether they speak the same dialect or not.

The complexity of Arabic dialects and the difficulty of automated translation with AI has been explored in this article. We have discussed some of the challenges posed by the lack of standardization for writing in Arabic, as well as how this impacts automated translation. Despite these obstacles, research is continuing to make advances towards better automating translations from different dialects into a standardized form that can then be accurately translated for non-native speakers. With these advancements, we will hopefully see more accurate translations with less effort from both machines and humans alike.

At Crystal Translation & Content Creation, Human translation involvement is key, and the assistance of Ai is in the review process. To cooperate with us for Ai Arabic translation research or book any of our translation services. Contact us at 961 3563593


According to an interview published by the National UAE titled: “Lost in translation: Why machine learning finds Arabic challenging”, a new Google grant and research at the University of Sharjah show the Arabic language is gaining traction.

What’s Machine Learning, Machine Translation and How is Arabic Language Challenging?

  1. Machine Learning

Based on MIT Technology review, Machine learning is the process that powers many of the services we use today, like those on Netflix, YouTube, search engines like Google, social-media feeds like Facebook, and voice assistants like Siri and Alexa.

 Machine-learning algorithms use statistics to find patterns in massive amounts of data: numbers, words, images, clicks, and much more. If the data can be digitally stored, it can be fed into a machine-learning algorithm.

Another definition of Machine Learning states that Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves.

The global machine learning market is projected to grow from .3 billion in 2020 to .6bn in 2024, according to a 2019 report.

Now what’s Machine Translation?

The Rise of Machine Translation: How did it start and how will it help? Click  to Read blog

Definition 1: The translation of text by a computer, with no human involvement.

Definition 2: Machine translation (MT) describes a software-based translation approach that translates content from one language to another.

Definition 3: Machine translation (MT) is the task to translate a text from a source language to its counterpart in a target language.

With the above definitions combined, we conclude that Machine learning  aided by Artificial intelligence and data spring up with Machine Translation (Types of Machine Translation) .

Machine learning is one of the fastest growing and most transformative technologies in the world. It lays its intelligence on many fields and industries, namely translation, specifically Machine Translation.

Where does the Arabic Language stand in terms of machine learning?

"Arabic is falling behind” says the coordinator of the machine learning and Arabic language processing research group at the University of Sharjah, to “The National”.

Since machine learning is used by businesses to lower cost and increase the speed of any process, translation was no exception. Therefore, machine learning is advancing in relation to machine translation of languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese.

Arabic language remains a challenge for many reasons such as:

  • Language complexity
  • Language richness
  • Ambiguous structure
  • Types of Arabic (dialects)

That is why, the Google grant and research at the University of Sharjah promises more research and improvement in this field.

Will Machine learning and Arabic Language Machine Translation replace human translators?


Meet the renowned Machine Learners – Translators!

Using Machine learning and artificial intelligence, computers can translate, and the process is called Machine translation.

How do we program a computer to translate human language?

  1. The Word for Word

The simplest approach is to replace every word in a sentence with the translated word in the target language.

This is the easiest approach, but the most messed up. The results are bad, dictionary- based and ignore  grammar and context.

  1. The Language-specific rules Ingredient

 For example, you might translate two-word phrases as a single group. And you might swap the order of the nouns and adjectives since they usually appear in reverse in Spanish Vs English.

  1. The Intelligent systems

Now let’s meet the well-known machine translators.

  1. Google Translate

Google Translate is a free multilingual machine translation service developed by Google. It supports over 100 languages and serves more than 100 billion words per day.

Although Google Translate is not as reliable as human translation, it’s getting better.

Learn about the mistakes Google Translate - Machine Learning does here

  1. Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator is a multilingual MT cloud service integrated across multiple consumer, developer, and enterprise products.

Speech translation via Microsoft Speech services is metered by the duration of the source audio stream. As of August 2019, the service supports 65 language systems and 11 speech translation systems powering its live conversation feature in various apps.

Facebook Translator

Facebook performs billions of automatic translations using neural networks.

A significant advantage of the Facebook Translator is its multi-hop attention capability. Attention emulates how humans translate. As a rule, we don’t break down a sentence all at once and then translate it. Instead, we return to it, again and again, to check and re-check its meaning.

Facebook also studies the real-time language of users. Its machine learning trains on real sentences that reflect actual language use. When you post on Facebook, you’re training the social network on how to translate more accurately.

At Crystal Translation & Content Creation, Human translation involvement is key, and the assistance of Ai is in the review process. To cooperate with us for Ai Arabic translation research or book any of our translation services. Contact us at 961 3563593

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